I awoke this morning with a faint sense of familiarness surrounding me. Not in location, in emotion, in spirituality. As if what I had been dreaming was more than a dream, had I done that before? Hmm…
This is the dream.
I’m in the woods, fireflies are dancing around me. I hear the call of an owl, the songs of crickets and bullfrogs professing their love to mother earth. I turn when I hear a nightingale, and suddenly I feel warmth at my back (in this dream I am experiencing these feelings as well as watching, as you would a movie.) Behind me there is a raging fire. I hear the faintest sound of a drum, not the drum of a rock band a drum of the ancients, the men and women that roamed this land long before people knew it existed. The drum I hear is that of my people. Mixed with it are the harmonious melodies of life.
I am naked. My skin is kissed bronze my hair is long and gently dancing in the wind. The breeze carasses me while the fire warms. The drum gets louder, moving closer. Its music is that of a lover. Arousing, enchanting. I put my hands in the air and dance around the fire to the beat. My body starts moving as if it has danced this dance before. The rhythm seeps into me, takes me over, seduces and possesses yet frees me. A feeling of pure euphoria grasps me, makes me catch my breath. It is peace. Love perhaps. Acceptance and possession. I watch as my chest rises and falls heavily through exertion and arousal. Tiny pearls of sweat are rolling down my body and as they fall to the ground I can almost see them crackle before they evaporate. I don’t know this woman. She is raw and powerful in her sexuality. She is beautiful spiritually and physically. Her spirit shines and the faint smile on her lips suggests that you’ve never experienced pleasure as she has. She is pure and open wild and free.
The music receeds and takes with it a part of my soul. I am left standing before a fire feeling bereft but alive. Alive in a way that shakes me to my core. The nightingale's song can be heard once again. The night life is growing quiet, watching and waiting to see what I will do. I look towards the star filled sky for a moment. As a shooting star rips through a cloudless night I awaken.